Have you ever felt that there must be something more to life? That some purpose, some higher calling, some fount of joy must exist… Just beyond your grasp?
So began my own personal Spiritual Journey. Without a clear destination in mind, without really being aware of what I was doing, I embarked on the road to healing. Deep inside my soul, I just knew there had to be answers to so many of my questions.
Why was I feeling disappointment with friends and loved ones?
Why were my romantic relationships leaving my unfulfilled, time after time?
Why is there so much pain and suffering, close to me and around the world?
Why always the same patterns of hurt?
From a very early age, I have been intrigued by the mysteries of life. Overwhelmed by the omnipresent sadness of illness and disease. My first experience with death shocked to my very core. I could not comprehend or accept that someone could simply cease to exist. I believed in magic. I hoped for magic. But magic never materialized to assuage my soul.
This feeling of powerlessness plagued me for many years. Festering childhood wounds and unpleasant memories followed me in continuous replay mode. I was never fully aware of the inner dullness that conspired to sabotage my quest for happiness. I accepted that I was a victim of my circumstances.
That was until 1999 – I’m fast-forwarding through a couple of decades – when I became inspired to accept responsibility for my life. I set out to discover my true self and one of my first stops was The Learning Annex in Toronto. Within the walls of this amazing institution dedicated to the betterment of the self, I underwent a life-reshaping transformation. Offering my time as a volunteer, I gained exposure to spiritual thought leadership through best-selling authors and acclaimed workshop facilitators.
The environment was at once electrifying and calming. It brought me intense learning, fresh perspectives and a whole new level of awareness. Only by listening to master-class experts did I absorb the inspiration to find my own voice.
The metamorphosis was liberating. I felt that I had broken through my self-imposed prison bars. I was ready to experience the freedom of living my life without the constraints of external circumstance.
This is when I stopped looking for the external check mark – that need for approval that we perpetually seek from others.
By 2006, I was ready to accept the more serious calling that arrived in the form of opportunity to study under Seer Almine, regarded by many as the greatest mystic of our time. I felt a tremendous resonance with the teachings of deprogramming and living a life of oneness. It’s the only way we can ever hope to eliminate duality and leave opposition behind to find true happiness.
Happiness is a choice. It is the right of every human being. And it is free.
But it is not always easy. It takes a bit of time and a lot of commitment to peel back the layers of hard-won experience and ingrained emotion to get to the heart of the matter… self-love. From self-love comes the wisdom to extract the joy of each and every moment.
Let me show you how to live from your heart to enjoy a fulfilled life on your own terms. Carpe Momentum.
~ Sandra Saradesi, Founder, Healing of the Heart
Sandra Saradesi is a Holistic Practitioner with over 10 years of international experience. She is recognized as a Gifted Healer, Spiritual Coach, Intuitive, and The Yoga of Illumination Instructor, in addition to holding the honoured title of Grand Master (2007) of the Miraculous Angelic Healing Modality of Belvaspata. She studied very closely under the Seer Almine, endorsed by many as the greatest Mystic of our time.
An accomplished Keynote Speaker and Corporate Workshop Facilitator, Sandra shares her consciousness-elevating expertise with individuals, couples, workshop groups and corporate audiences. She has taught and led workshops and retreats in four languages throughout the US, Canada, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Holland, Denmark, Spain and Portugal.
Sandra is also an Artist, Poet, Author and a former Host of four weekly Radio Shows in English and Spanish. Her Healing and Meditation CDs have sold thousand of copies online and in stores in Canada.
"Sandra approaches her work with the utmost respect and integrity. I highly endorse the quality of her work as a practitioner of these sacred modalities."
-- The Seer Almine