The world can be a scary place. Today’s breaking news stories compounded by yesterday’s most heinous events on top of tomorrow’s uncertainties… It is no wonder that hearts become heavy with sadness and grief, confusion and despair.
Many individuals live a lifetime burdened with the echo of atrocities of war. Others constantly relive the anguish of events experienced in the line of duty. So many suffocate in depths of unbearable grief, never recovering from tragic loss. Countless individuals are tormented with mental and physical health issues. And far too many simply go through the motions of day-to-day life silently longing for purpose and joy.
These are the everyday people who need our help:
Individuals fulfilling high-risk service roles. First responders like Police Officers, Firefighters and EMTs. Men and women who have served in the military. Health practitioners who make life-and-death decisions every day. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is all too common and all too real.
Complacent employees lulled into routines of mediocrity. Average performers doing just enough to stay employed. Chronic absenteeism, lack of teamwork, issue avoidance, gossip and auto-cynicism… these toxins can cause the downfall of the best-intentioned organization.
Children and youth struggling to belong, or struggling to just be. If ever in the history of time there has been reason to embrace intervention, it is now. Our guidance can equip young people with confidence, acceptance and a sense of purpose. It can help relieve them of emotional blockages that culminate in bullying, rebellion and acts of violence.
Our increasingly enlightened society is making gradual inroads towards lifting the stigmas and misconceptions surrounding mental illness. However significant this mainstream shift, there are countless individuals silently shackled by emotional imbalances that impact their daily life. Manic depression, bipolar tendencies and are constant reminders of the need to address this issue in a more profound and sustainable manner.
Meaningful relationships with significant others are the cornerstones to fulfilled lives. Emotional distortions between couples, close friends, or parent and child can drive friction and distance into vital relationships. A shared experience of spiritual awakening will bring peace, understanding and acceptance to unions and provide the clarity to foster growth and harmony.
Every minute of every day, women experience the physical changes and hormonal rebalance of pregnancy. Relaxation and breathing techniques bring calmness and control that alleviate anxiety, facilitate delivery and enhance both maternal and neo-natal health. Our services can help new mothers deal with post-partum depression as well as bring harmony to a family facing the challenge of adjusting to a new dynamic.
Are you in transition at a professional or personal level?
Are you experiencing physical, emotional or mental pain?
Are you feeling alone, abandoned or depressed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Are you going through grief? A sense of loss?
Are you trapped in behavioural patterns? Would you like to end an addiction?
Healing of the Heart shares the secrets to overcome life’s obstacles.
We empower the spirit, quiet the mind, relieve physical and emotional pain and chart a course to new levels of happiness.
We help people tap into their intrinsic reservoir of hope to live an inspired and fulfilled life.